The Benefits of Going on Walks

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There is really nothing that works as well as a nice walk to clear the head, especially in nice scenery. Fresh air, a bit of exercise and, most importantly, time. This is an excellent way to brighten the day. Just strap on your favorite pair of autumn boots and go where your feet lead you.

Daily walks are a nice way to take time for yourself. It can be interesting to explore your neighbourhood and take a new path every day, but there is also something reassuring in having an habitual walking route. Perhaps there is a green area close to you where you can go often throughout the year and experience the changing of seasons in nature.

While walking you have the privilege of choosing your own soundtrack. It could be music, audio books or the sound of nature or you could take the opportunity to call loved ones while you take your stroll.

Even if you have a regular path that you walk often, you will find that no two walks are ever the same. The weather, the nature, the world, all are sure to have changed since the last time you had a walk. Furthermore, you might find that you yourself have changed and are not the same as last you ventured out for a stroll. Take the opportunity to think how you are feeling and enjoy a short break from the busy world. 

If a more serious calm is what you need, weekends away are a time-honoured tradition by city-dwellers in need of country air. Living in a big city, one can sometimes forget how refreshing it can be to be outside, either alone with nature or in good company.

Of course, walking is not by far the only way to clear your mind. Cooking, riding, reading or even polishing shoes, whatever brings you calm.

It is important to find a pleasant place to have a leisurely walk close to you to get out often and enjoy it. Walking is not a chore, even if the mental and physical benefits are plentiful, it is a privilege.

“If I could not walk far and fast, I think I should just explode and perish.” 

- Charles Dickens

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